Our Product

For thirty years we have manufactured the finest digital Superhero simulations in the world.

We now present to you, our loyal customers, a battle simulator in which you may choose any hero you desire!

Our database contains every hero we could think of; all you must do is search a name or two.

Our heroes are set with stats, attack moves, and are ready for battle.

Enjoy the battle!

Our Employees

Connor Wind

Major: International Relations
Minor: Computer Science & Chinese
Fact: Better knees than Mr. Siker

Hailey McKelvie

Major: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics
Fact: burritos overwhelm her

Niki Glenister

Major: Computer Science & Music
Fact: Learning to sword-fight

Rhys Gilkenson

Major: Computer Science
Minor: Chinese
Fact: Has never eaten mayonnaise

Vaughan Siker

Major: Computer Science & Philosophy
Fact: Better than Connor at things

Graphic Designer: B McKelvie